Thursday, January 28, 2010


Finally! The new songs! You probably haven't heard this one. I finished this one at the end of last semester. I kind of wrote this about a specific lifestyle and its emptiness. Sometimes people say that they are looking for answers but they don't even actually try. What good are your eyes if you don't see light?

Vision blurs at the edge
Becoming a vignette
Smoke stains the air
From a fearless cigarette

Knowledge free from desire
That settles on the dusty floor
Tread on by apathy
Unaware of more

    You've been searching but you haven't found
    The problem is your own eyes
    That don't see the searchlight

You're still waiting on
The windows to fling wide
You don't even know
The joy that is outside

  It's all slowing down now
  Your feet left the ground now
  Just to see it
  coming at your face

[No video yet, hopefully I can post it when I make it!]

1 comment:

Lucie said...

well said. I like this one.