Monday, March 24, 2008

All That Isn't You

Yet another prayer of repentance. This is just seeing myself becoming so distracted by the world's holds and temptations. This realization tends to lead to the feeling of uncleanliness and so my prayer is just to separate myself from the things that are not of Him.

All That Isn't You

Where has this life gone?
I once knew it so well
But now it is held captive
Taken by that which is more clear

And if I get distracted
Put me in a river
Where I can wash away all that isn't you [x2]
All that isn't you

I have lost sight of you
Maybe I'm just looking the wrong way
The world is calling me from you
This calloused heart starts to fray



Gabby Huerta said...

*hums* I know this song.....

Christi Joy said...

This is one of my most favortist songs by you guys. :)

Anonymous said...


I have been so blessed by this song! It helped my soul on the trip in Ireland when I heard it. God has truly gifted you in music and I pray that the Lord would continue to use you to make much of Him with your voice in praise and worship! Praying for you!

Brad Stapleton

Anonymous said...

I have had this song stuck in my head all summer and the beginning of this year, and I couldn't remember who it was by. But tonight I just realized that you came and sang it at Northwestern last year, and I finally found your recording online, and I can't even begin to tell you how much encouragement it has given me. We all get distracted from the Lord, and this is a great reminder of how we need to come back to the beginning to start new and fresh in Him.
I'll be praying for you; stay strong in the faith!